Hey There,

I’m Kaisha. A PNW native, Montana wannabe, and current desert dweller. (Much to the chagrin of the rain loving part of me.) I’m also a mom of two very cute little girls and married to their very cool dad.

I’ve always loved taking photos, but becoming a mom really upped my photo taking quantities. And while I must say some of my phone photos are rad, it’s just very tricky to get the whole fam into one photo on our own. And to be real, my three year old has recently become allergic to my photo taking. Plus, I take photos all day of my kids and rarely am I in them (despite small homegirl’s best efforts to photograph me which is not my best look).

So I want to do you one better than some phone photos and capture your family. I know what it means to you and I know it’s important. I want to get your whole family smiling. Those smiles are special. But I also want to capture chunk baby rolls, your family’s hobbies, and that feeling you get when your not so small baby smiles at you. Those things are equally if not more important than the “cheese” smiles.

So all that to say, here I am now as a journalistic lifestyle family photographer. (I know. It’s a mouthful.) My hope is that my photos of your family accurately capture this moment in the life of your family, so that when you come back to them years later you feel the feelings, remember the memories, and smile at those little smiles. Which is cheesy as all heck but that’s just the reality of being a parent, am I right?

above photo by Morgan Darden Photography